Make your procurement cost effective, simple and trackable
Seller Marketplace
Get access to Funisto seller marketplace where you will find hundreds of sellers for various product/service categories, across India. Request quotations from the sellers and place the order for the best quote you receive. All sellers on Funisto are validated before they can start selling, so, you only deal with trusted sellers. Also, you can on-board your own sellers and purchase from them.
Procurement Management Software
Manage you procurement efficiently in Funisto. Raising requirements, Find vendors, Request quotations, Compare prices, Placing orders, Order Approvals, Generate PO, Download Invoices, everything in one place. Keep track of your procurement status, documents and history in Funisto across locations in one place. Funisto makes your procurement process simple, efficient, trackable.
Asset Management Software
Manage all your assets inventory in one place. Asset allocation acceptance makes sure that the user has received the asset which has been allocated to her. Search assets based on assetid, serial number, allocated user, location, category etc. Allocate assets to users permanently or temporarily. Reminders for overdue temporary assets makes sure you know what is due for return.
Request Management Software
Manage all your user requests in one place. Create requests, comment on request, automatic of manual allocation to agent makes it easy to manage and track all your requests. Search requests based on request id, user, location, category etc. Reminders for overdue requests makes sure you know your team is resolving the requests on time.